Running of the BOD…Penultimate Post

Be yourself, they said. Nothing is more me that 3 highs a low.

High #1

After the incredibly high energy morning, my husband asked me to come up to the room and I discovered he had walked in 106 degree heat to procure flowers at the request of the boys, and had the whole family on speaker phone to talk about the speech and Q and A. My mama heart felt so full!

High #2, regardless of the outcome of the vote that begins in about 1.5 hours, I will leave Arizona confident in the knowledge that I showed up fully, spoke my truth, and showed the Congress who I am.

High #3, the speech and Q and A session were simultaneously fun and sort of terrifying. I love a mic, so talking into a mic isn’t the challenge, it’s the freaking timer clock counting down the seconds and the sure knowledge that if that light turns red you WILL BE STOPPED. It gets into your head and dances in your synapses while you are trying to put together coherent thought on the fly in front of hundreds of your peers. And, dagnabbit, it was fun.

Here’s my low, which is kind of a high, too.

In my next and last post on the Running for the BOD you will be hearing if I won or lost. After having the privilege to write a personal statement, be interviewed in a dozen different ways, hand write hundreds of cards around the country, and write and learn a speech(amongst other drama), regardless of the outcome, I am going to say it was well worth it and at the end of the day we were all winners for putting ourselves out there authentically to serve. And, I think I actually really, deeply, truly mean that. But it’s going to suck for 3 really amazing women no matter what.

Send your positive vibes to the universe friends, all the lives of this candidate pool will change very soon, one way or the other.


Running for the BOD…Well, that just happened.


Running for the BOD…Day 3.5