Running for the BOD…Day 3.5
I have learned some very important things on this trip.
Thing 1. Trust my instincts on what family doctors will think is funny.
Thing 2. I am not a panderer.
Thing 3. So. Very. Dry.
Someone rubbed sandpaper in my eyes, up my nose, and on my mouth last night. No picture can do this feeling justice.
Today is my Big Speech(that has to fall under 5 minutes) and I am equally horrified people will not laugh at things I think are funny or they will laugh and my time will go over. Put positive thoughts in the universe for warm hearted and time sensitive chuckling! Following that is the Q and A session where we will be asked questions and have 60 seconds to respond. (I am not going to promise not to mention STIs in my answers or swear…that would just be silly.) Wish me luck!